Quest tracker addon wow
Quest tracker addon wow

quest tracker addon wow

Any old guide for Outlands should still be mostly accurate (with the exception of stuff like the Thrall questline in Nagrand, which was removed in Cataclysm since Thrall has moved on to other things) even after all these years, including the one that comes with TourGuide, though you will probably find yourself outleveling the guide very quickly, since XP gains have gone up and XP requirements have gone down over the years. quests poorly sequenced or too spread out) are Outlands and, to a much lesser extent, Northrend. The only areas that can still be slow (eg. If you were actually paying attention most of the time and not alt-tabbing to watch TV, I'd guess somewhere around 4 1/2 days would be a reasonable goal. My last leveling character went 1-85 in just over 5 days played, with no guides, and a lot of lollygagging and idling along the way. A guide might shave off a tiny amount of time, but leveling is so fast now that there's not much incentive for guide authors to spend all that time, nor for potential guide buyers to spend any money on it. You get quests in approximately the same order you should complete them, and you'll level plenty fast just by going to the nearest quest location on your default world map, doing the thing your default quest tracker says to do, and then going back to the question mark on your default world map to turn it in. There's not really any need for a guide now. Have you done any leveling since Cataclysm? Blizzard did a great job of streamlining all of the Azeroth questing zones. I'm trying to get to a comfortable leveling speed, without too much brain work being done to do it, considering I never enjoyed the leveling part of WoW.

quest tracker addon wow

Note: I will take suggestions into consideration as well. I figured there is no need for me to code my own addon that does this, if they may already exist. I am not very good at explaining things, but I do the best I can. If I didn't provide enough information please tell me politely, and I'll see what I can do. I appreciate the help, if you guys find anything. The quest tracking addons that do not have guides are not what I'm looking for, unfortunately. I just wanna see what other options are available, I'm having a hard time finding them on my own. I know of ZygorGuides, and it's pretty much the same, just better styled. I have never bought guides for this before, but it seemed like a good idea, until I realized that there may be free ones out there that will work within a quest tracker interface like this one does. I'm looking for something that has guides to help with leveling. Does anyone know of any decent quest helping addons that do everything this does?ĭugiQuestingEssential is a decent addon, but it seems obtrusive and I don't really like that too much.

Quest tracker addon wow